Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Here are some recent photos of our trip to OluDeniz. This area is in the southwestern part of Turkey and very mountainous alongside the Mediterranean. It was so beautiful. Notice the picture of Rob with the hangliders in the sky. We took the kids to an area known as the Blue Lagoon, and the water was both warm and crystal clear!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Blue Power Ranger and Belly Dancer!


What an unforgettable day we had at the NATO Halloween party. Rob was part of the committee that organized trick or treating, apple bobbing and fishing for a local orphanage (30 kids took part), as well as all the international children of NATO. As you can see, Tori enjoyed having her fish cleaned, however, Streicher was a bit shocked to see the tail still on the grilled fish! Last picture is of Streicher and Audrey at the apple bobbing area...Strikey had 3 apples!