Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Here is Tori feeding one of the many stray cats around here. It is sad to see so many cats (and dogs) roaming the streets begging for food. The kids want to pet them and play with them, but they can't because of the possibility of rabies.


We prefer to take the ferry from Bostanli to Alsancak, especially when we go to get groceries because we have to take a large suitcase with us! The kids have surprisingly become accustomed to this new way of shopping and traveling! Here is Streicher holding Flat Stanley, a project sent by Bradley (Dygert).

Thursday, October 25, 2007



The first two photos are of parks within a 10 min. walk from our apartment. The third photo was taken at Kulturpark in downtown Alsancak, about a 20 min bus ride away (notice the school girl...all of the students wear uniforms here). This very large park includes many beautiful gardens, a paddle boat pond, amusement park and zoo! The last photo is of Tori and two of her new friends Audry (3) and Suna (2), taken at Byrakli (military base - 10 min drive away).

Friday, October 19, 2007


Our breathtaking view from our balcony in Bostanli! It is especially nice on clear days when you can see across the bay to Alsancak. Here is Streicher on one side of our apartment waiting for Daddy to come home from work!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Rob getting a great workout trekking back and forth from the bus stop to our apartment with 3 huge boxes!! The next photo was taken in our living room where Rob is busy showing the kids a few new toys he had ordered for them. Our balcony windows have electric blinds that open up to this beautiful bay, along the Agean Sea. What a view huh! It is quite amazing at nightime to see all of the lights across the bay.

COK GUZEL (very beautiful) IN CESME!

Merhaba from Turkey!

We arrived in Izmir on 18 Sep 07, and adjusting quite well. Tori and Streicher have been real troopers with all the changes: language barrier, bus and ferry boat transportation, and unique food. This photo was taken our first wknd here, while spending a few days in Cesme... a very beautiful seaside village.